Taking action - the World Health Assembly (WHA) Resolution on Food Fortification

Taking action - the World Health Assembly (WHA) Resolution on Food Fortification

The WHA resolution "Accelerating efforts for preventing micronutrient deficiencies and their consequences, including spina bifida and other neural tube defects, through safe and effective food fortification," has united the health policy, disability rights, and nutrition communities in a joint effort to combat micronutrient deficiencies and their effects worldwide.

The resolution represents an opportunity to advocate for higher prioritization and investment in food fortification programmes at the national level as well as an opportunity to increase support for large-scale food fortification from donors, development partners, and UN agencies.

Here’s what you can do today to support this important initiative:

  1. Find out who will be representing your country at this year’s World Health Assembly (21 – 30 May 2023) – usually the Ministry of Health will have this information.
  2. Seek an in-person, virtual, or phone meeting with members of your WHA delegation (first choice) or find out how to reach them by email or letter (second choice).
  3. Share information about the WHA resolution on food fortification with your WHA delegation. You can find a policy brief summarizing the resolution, the text of the resolution, and other resources below.
  4. Ask your WHA delegate to make a formal statement of support for the food fortification resolution. This can be done from the floor of the WHA when the resolution is being discussed or it can be done as an official written statement of support. Ideally, statements will share actions that have been and will be taken to strengthen national food fortification programs. The resolution calls on Member States and WHO to report on their progress every two years. Committing to specific actions now helps to ensure that Member States will have progress to report when these opportunities arise.
  5. Finally, please invite your government’s WHA delegation to attend a special side event on the WHA food fortification resolution. The event is taking place on 23 May from 18.00 – 20.30 pm and is hosted by the governments of Colombia, Ecuador, and Malaysia. Delegates and others can register to attend.

Below are resources to support your advocacy for passage and implementation of the WHA resolution on food fortification. If you have questions or need support, please reach out to us at futurefortified@gainhealth.org .


Browse through all our resources and find out more 

A mother feeding the child with rice and chicken wearing a floral scarf


Resolution: Accelerating efforts for preventing micronutrient deficiencies and their consequences, including spina bifida and other neural tube defects, through safe and effective food fortification 

Read the full brief



Policy Brief – World Health Assembly Resolution on Food Fortification

Read the full policy brief here

A lady eating rice, vegetables and chicken in Indonesia
Man pointing his finger to processed flour



Civil Society letter endorsing the WHA food fortification resolution

Download the full letter here



WHA76 Side Event - Accelerating efforts for preventing micronutrient deficiencies and their consequences through safe and effective food fortification

Come and join us for our WHA76-Side event, more info available here

View of the UN palace with flags

#FutureFortified Webinars

To see all our webinars check out our full playlist here.

#FutureFortified webinars


The GFDx Website

The GFDx aggregates and visualizes data on five commonly fortified foods: maize flour, oil, rice, salt, and wheat flour. The GFDx includes indicators on food fortification legislation from 1940 to present, fortification standards, and food availability and intake, legislation scope, proportion of foods industrially processed, availability of regulatory monitoring protocols, fortification quality, and population coverage for 196 countries.

Visit the GFDx website

A child eating porridge with a yellow spoon

What is Food Fortification

This video is available in multiple languages.

Check the full playlist on our YouTube Channel



Fortifying our Future - Coming together to support the World Health Assembly Resolution on Food Fortification

You can watch the full webinar here

Rolled chapati with hand on the table
Woman holding a root in her hands and smiling to the camera



Large-scale food fortification - Unlocking Human Potential Through Equitable Access to Essential Vitamins and Minerals 

Read our LSFF narrative 



Preventing birth defects, saving lives, and promoting health equity

Download the brief

Porridge in a cup with red spoon