Social Protection for Nutritious Diets
Millions of people around the world struggle to afford minimally nutritious diets, and social protection is critical for making healthy diets accessible. GAIN supports governments and other key stakeholders to accelerate system innovations that can make social protection investments work harder for the nutrition of the most vulnerable.
Through partnerships, policy advocacy, and programmes, GAIN is working in seven countries to make social protection systems more nutrition-sensitive and better equipped to combat systemic and intergenerational inequities that limit the reach of vital services.
GAIN's social protection programme currently encompasses the following synergistic work areas:
- Policy Advocacy. We provide technical advice to governments, engages In policy advocacy, and mobilises multilateral stakeholders to ensure that social protection policy environments are conducive to nutrition impact.
- Value Chain Integration. We create and reinforce sustainable linkages between social protection systems and private-sector nutritious food value chains by scaling-up public procurement of nutritious foods, connecting small - and medium- enterprises (SMEs) to public procurement pipelines, and improving the nutritional value and regulatory compliance of nutritious foods destined for social protection systems.
- Social Protection Design. We develop and scale-up models of social protection that provide effective nutrition services for the most vulnerable households, with a particular focus on human-centered design (HCD) and social and behaviour change communication (SBCC)
GAIN's work in these areas seeks to improve both the delivery and effective utilisation of nutrition services in social protection systems, ensuring that recipients attain the intended nutritional benefits. We believe that improving the delivery and utilisation of nutrition-sensitive social protection is key to achieving longer-term dietary resilience for the most vulnerable households.
Our social protection programme is rooted in four guiding principles: gender sensitivity, human centeredness, sustainability, and climate-awareness. These principles serve as lenses through which we view our work, and to which we hold ourselves accountable.

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Anthony Wenndt
Technical Officer