The intersection of climate change and food security took center stage at the recent Nigeria Climate Change Forum, where experts gathered to discuss sustainable solutions for ensuring food and nutrition security amidst growing climate challenges.
Neural Tube Defects (NTDs) occur when the neural tube doesn't close properly during the first month of a mother’s pregnancy. This can result in a range of physical and cognitive disabilities, often requiring extensive medical care, including surgeries, ongoing treatments, and rehabilitation.
The benefits of trade are often viewed in economic terms, but its human impact — on malnutrition in particular — cannot be ignored. Malnutrition stunts development, weakens immunity, and deteriorates bone and muscle health.
Using OpenAI LLM (GPT-4o) and embedding models, GAIN developed a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)-based chatbot and connected it to a database of 28 publicly accessible food and nutrition policy documents from Bangladesh.
Malnutrition and food insecurity remain a pressing issue in Bangladesh, with significant implications for public health. Despite improvements in agricultural productivity and food security, the country continues to grapple with micronutrient deficiencies (MNDs), particularly zinc deficiency, which affects vulnerable populations, especially women and children.
GAIN's Approach to Nutrition-Sensitive Social Protection
Through partnerships, policy advocacy, and programmes, GAIN works in seven countries to make social protection systems more nutrition-sensitive and better equipped to combat systemic and intergenerational inequities that limit the reach of vital services.