Neural Tube Defects (NTDs) occur when the neural tube doesn't close properly during the first month of a mother’s pregnancy. This can result in a range of physical and cognitive disabilities, often requiring extensive medical care, including surgeries, ongoing treatments, and rehabilitation.
The broader societal impact is also significant, as individuals with untreated NTDs can face barriers to education and employment, limiting their opportunities and overall quality of life. NTDs such as spina bifida and hydrocephalus, affect thousands of families in Ethiopia each year with a prevalence ranging from 52 to 131 per 10,000 births (Tesfay N, Hailu G, Habtetsion M, et al., 2023). Many children born with NTDs endure lifelong disabilities that affect their physical, social, and cognitive growth. These challenges frequently impose considerable emotional and financial strains on families, as they need ongoing medical care and assistance.
“Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus are costing our children's lives, causing economic crises, divorces, and disabilities. It’s time to say enough. Maximize preventive measures- food fortification saves lives." Noted Beza Beshah Haile , HOPE-SBH, Executive Director.
The solution? NTDs are largely preventable with adequate folic acid consumption among pregnant mothers during prenatal care. In addition to prenatal care, availing fortified foods is a cost-effective means of ensuring mothers affordably and easily access to folic acid.
World Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Day is celebrated every October globally. Ethiopia recognised the day on the 14th of December in 2024, with a focus on industry participation in large-scale food fortification (LSFF).
Alongside its partners, the Ethiopian Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Health, HOPE Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus, Child-Help, GAIN co-organised a collaborative event that engaged industries, policymakers, and other stakeholders to implement effective LSFF practices, ensuring that essential nutrients like folic acid reach vulnerable populations. Under the umbrella of “Bridging Gaps Together”, the event emphasised the role of partnership in implementing LSFF in Ethiopia.
Honorary Speaker at the House of Representatives, Ms. Lomi Bedo recognised the work of organisations like HOPE SBH – adding that the industrial sector is responsible for making sure that the food they produce is rich in essential nutrients.
With Ethiopia's National Food Fortification Program (NFFP) launched in August 2024 , the recognition of the devastating effects of the disease, and a commitment made by the Government of Ethiopia represent a new drive in collaboration towards preventing NTDs in Ethiopia.