Innovative Food System Solutions (IFSS) Portal - Bringing people together across the food system around solutions that ensure both human and planetary health for all

Innovative Food System Solutions (IFSS) Portal - Bringing people together across the food system around solutions that ensure both human and planetary health for all

Food system transformation requires urgent actions to solve complex problems in inclusive and equitable ways across many sectors.

The IFSS portal initiative is an ongoing open collaboration between groups working at the intersection of nutrition, sustainable agriculture, development economics, policy studies and environmental health. 

Launched in May, the IFSS portal actively encourages multiple stakeholders across the food supply chain - entrepreneurs, food producers, researchers, policy makers, businesses, students, NGOs, investors, and others - to explore innovative food system solutions including policies, technologies, nature-based solutions, public/private collaborations, financial solutions, education, and social equity approaches. 

The aim of this webinar is to share the content of the IFSS Portal and engage in a facilitated discussion on its interactive and self-guided tool - the Backcasting Pathway-to-Uptake builder - which consists of imagining and describing how an innovative solution would look like in an ideal scenario in 2030