This UN Foods Systems Pre-Summit Affiliate Parallel Session hosted by the Government of Bangladesh Ministry of Labour and Employment and the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) brings together leaders from government, civil society, the private sector and non-governmental organisations to explore the important role that workforce nutrition programmes are playing in addressing global malnutrition, and ways in which these can be scaled up for increased impact. It will also highlight the important need for increased private sector nutrition commitments to be made at the Food Systems Summit and Nutrition for Growth Summit.
Key confirmed participants include:
- Government of Bangladesh, Minister of Labour and Employment
- Gerda Verburg, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General, Coordinator of the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement, UNFSS Executive Committee
- Wai-Chan Chan, Managing Director, The Consumer Goods Forum
- Sunny Verghese, WBCSD Chair, Co-Founder and Group CEO of Olam International Ltd.
- Nadra Franklin, Managing Director of FHI Solutions, Alive and Thrive
This event is supported by the Workforce Nutrition Alliance.
The Workforce Nutrition Alliance was launched by The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) and the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) in October 2019. The Alliance works to bring access to and knowledge about healthy nutrition to +3 million employees in member organisations and supply chains by 2025.